[dropcap2 variation=”green”]V[/dropcap2]ision

We will glorify and enjoy God through Jesus Christ by worshipping together, walking together, and witnessing together as a Spirit-led gospel community in the City of Frankston, Victoria, Australia.

[dropcap2 variation=”green”]P[/dropcap2]resbytery goals

When we consider goals for the ministry of the Frankston RPC we already have presbytery defined goals to be people:

  • Who worship God together faithfully and gladly;
  • Who are devoted to prayer;
  • Who build each other up through fellowship and mentoring;
  • Who are growing in spreading the gospel;
  • Who use their gifts to serve and encourage each other;
  • Who pursue a mission lifestyle.

[dropcap2 variation=”green”]G[/dropcap2]oals for Frankston RPC.

  • Have individuals, couples, and families in the congregation commit to prayerfully seek to be used by God to bring another individual, couple, or family into the church through their witness
  • Have men spend time together in small groups and one-on-one to grow in love and in Christ-mindedness
  • Meet the income budget for the year